Wikileaks got the stolen data from Russian intelligence.

Looks like Gates reached out to someone saying he needed email for Jared Kushner and ⬛️⬛️⬛️ [Stone?], and then that someone (#WheresManafort?) forwarded Jared’s info to Gates, who said he still needed to speak to the forwarder.

Zelinsky means “Green” in Ukrainian.
Gates’ own lawyer is named Tom Green.
Your editor would not allow you to use this trope, but in Trumpworld, truth is stranger than fiction.
Despite the ⬛️⬛️⬛️ this is the 💣
“Russia if you’re listening” was an ad-lib.
It caused some heads to turn.
The “missing emails” were the ones from Hillary’s private server which were never found because her IT folks were on top of it.
After Manafort quit, Gates became increasingly marginalized with regards to the campaign. Goodbye, champagne & black caviar, Rick… bigly sad!
He didn’t know anything about why Wikileaks did a dump just 45 minutes after the Access Hollywood tapes broke.
Let’s break it down.
According to OSINT sources, Julian Assange was dangling the promise of #ButHerEmails, a promise that went undelivered. Poor DJT does not like having his mushroom teased.

Whatever gappened on October 4 is ⬛️⬛️⬛️
The day after the #accesshollywood tape comes out, evil Brad Parscale tells Gates it “was a difficult time”...all 45 minutes until Wikileaks came to the rescue. So little heads up.🥺

Seriously, is there any other way to make risotto?

• Trump advisor: Wikileaks plitting email dump to derail Hillary
• Russia? Who’s really in bed with Moscow - - Podesta and Clinton Foundation money-laundering with Russia.
I always get confused; is this transference or projection? 🤨

Sweet dreams, resisters!
I dunno, maybe because he’d spent about a decade trying to bring the Moscow tower to fruition with first one oligarch [hi, Fuks] & then another [hi, Agalarov]?
Just a thought. 🤷♀️
In August Cohen doubles down on the lie he told Twohey, telling WaPo the same BS.
Mucho redactions & then
Cohen dreams up a scheme to write Congress a letter about the Moscow tower. 😣
Good move, Mikey… following #ComplicitKush’ lead in “shaping the narrative” 🤯

Next up, Steve “Darkness is Good” Bannon in June 2016, but that is for another time.
Sweet dreams, resisters. 😴
Perhaps inspiring 45 to stonewall?
Steve has a great alibi — he was not with the campaign then.

Page 109 takes us to the turning point of the campaign, where Bannon tosses Manafort under the black ledger bus, commanding #ComplicitKush to come back from frolicking with mobligarchs on the Adriatic.

What this means of course, is that most of this information is already in the public domain.
So let’s do this with citations. I mean, why not?
Yes, kids, there is a typo spell check won’t catch, but the real emphasis must be that Manafort had known for 2 months that the black ledger story was going to come out at some point. He must have been living on tenterhooks.
Meanwhile, Bannon was grasping the gold ring
“Bannon was involved in all aspects of Trump’s debate preparation.”
“Bannon helped Trump think and talk his way through various topics related to national security and foreign policy.”
Bannon says he doesn’t know Rick Gerson
Page 117
Bannon says Nader was there, but they only shook hands.
By Spetember 2016 Kushner was hip deep in oilrich sheiks and corrupt Bibi. #MohammedBoneSaw appears as 007’s stunt double. ~40 UAE guys.
What a crew.

Also. Allow me to remind you UAE’s MBZ controls a $1.3 TRILLION sovereign wealth fund.
BS walks; money talks.
Darkness is good, but so is money, right, Steve?
“Bannon never asked about Russian business deals” and when news of the Moscow tower deal broke it was a “big reveal.”
Bannon seriously expects the FBI or anyone else to believe he was the top guy on the campaign and Michael Cohen was Trump’s fixer but they never talked?
You have a website called Trump.org, but the campaign manager *knows nothing* about it, I tell you.

Barbara Ledeen’s unfulfilled quest to uncover Hillary’s missing #ButHerEmails is just the opening act.
Bannon spends two unredacted paragraphs on yes, voter influencing, but no, Cambridge Analytica wasn’t involved and I didn’t go to London.

And then, to close up Page 125, enter the coffeeboy, stage right. Bannon wanted Trump to meet the Egyptians & George wanted to help, but nope
Up through pages 177 are handwritten notes.
Pages 178-242 are emails and other supporting documents that we must save for another day, resisters.
Pleasant, impeachmenty dreams 😴
Or is Ukraine is a bridge too far?
Quite a few seem to think
That a stint in the clink
Would their résumés mar.
Trump knew from Stone about Wikileaks.