Genetic/ethnic factors but also social deprivation are associated with DM2 risk. Societal cost >1 billion for treatment and DM complications.
Every cigarette is worth five in DM2. #AGMConfUK
Good control in the first few years, then relax targets later. #AGMConfUK
Sulfonylureas not great. Weight gain and hypos. Elderly get hypos. Glitazones cause oedema/CCF/fractures. #AGMConfUK
GLP1 agonists ("gila monster venom") stimulate beta cell mass and function and help lose weight by reduced appetite. Exenatide/liraglutide etc. Oral form pending. #AGMConfUK
GLP1s give cardiovascular MACE/death and renal protection. (LEADER study 2016.) #AGMConfUK
SGLT2is are a different story. Glycosuria and Na+ excretion but Na+ is resorbed. Caution with diuretics. GFR 45 ml/min is lower cutoff. #AGMConfUK
EMPA-REG showed empaglifozin improving CV death RR by 38% including early benefit. Independent from glucose levels - could it be BP or weight? #AGMConfUK
Renal outcomes with SGLT2i: less ESRD and macroalbuminuria. ACEi to be combined with glifozin?
Watch out for ketoacidosis in SGLT2i (CBG can be normal or mildly elevated). Mechanism not yet fully elucidated. #AGMConfUK
Putting diabetes in remission. Can it be done? DIRECT study 2017 showed the benefits of low calorie diet. 46% of DM in remission. Many areas are piloting this in practice. #AGMConfUK
Coupling CGM with an insulin pump could create a closed loop system. "Artificial pancreas" starting to show benefits but cost high. Mainly for DM1. #AGMConfUK