If you think your name and address being on the electoral register could affect your safety, or the safety or someone in your household, you can register to vote anonymously.
- download and complete the application form
- explain why your safety, or the safety of someone in your household, would be at risk if your details were on the electoral register
- submit evidence to support your registration
- a court document for your protection/the protection of someone in your household
- an attestation, where an authorised person to signs your application form to confirm your safety would be at risk
You only need to submit one document: either a court document or an attestation.
Once you have been given the right to register anonymously, you can vote by proxy or by postal vote. You are not eligible to vote in person.
temporary address on the application form.
This may apply to you if you are:
- staying in a mental health hospital
- living on a boat
- in custody
- from the Gypsy, Roma or Traveller communities; or
- in temporary accommodation.
You can download the voter registration forms here: electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/voter/p…