1) There are three main ways that money goes from your wallet to the USCCB:
• National Collections
• Special Collections
• Diocesan Assessments
(Financial reports can be found here: usccb.org/about/financia…)
Like National Collections, these funds are restricted to be used for the designated cause.
• You give to your parish.
• Your parish must send a percent of that to the diocese (parish assessment).
• Your diocese must send a percent of that to the USCCB (diocesan assessment).
2018: $11.6M
2017: $11.6M
2016: $11.3M
2015: $11.0M
2014: $10.6M
2013: $10.7M
2012: $10.4M
2011: $10.3M
2010: $10.1M
2009: $10.0M
(Source: usccb.org/about/financia…)