Consider that about 60% of Nigerians have nothing left to spend after they have paid for food, then these numbers become even scarier.
That's just one.
We have not sorted the basic problems of agricultural production in #Nigeria.
Quality of seed.
This means that our local production cannot meet our demand.
Already there are stories of @ChickenRepublic having supply problems.
This could lead to social problems such as the new jobless picking up guns at a time more people are using cash because electronic means of payment are no longer as friendly...
Consider @CustomsNG raiding people for "smuggled" cars.
For 5 years you've had a ridiculous tariff on cars. Why not crash that tariff so cars will come here direct?
What have we done to incentivise production, storage, and getting the rice to the market on time?
Have we even mapped our country so as to know where the rice should go?