• Being highly verbal, alert or clear thinking. Some of us are so traumatized or surging w/ pain, our hypervigilant, hyperalert brains push through SO much fatigue and cognitive fog to save our lives.
Many of us get clean before we come in if poss bc having people in our every orifice and unable to shower for days is more devastating than the 20min time delay doing so. Being in an waiting room for 4hrs makes it moot too.
If you're chronically ill, everything's awful and terrifying, sometimes what you wear and how you present yourself is all you can control. Going above n beyond is sometimes MORE evidence of a body doing the same.
Dissociation is a natural pain and fear response in everyone. As pain/distress rise, affect can become flatter. For those who are chronically ill, this emergency is only a step above their normal. It's not shocking AND emotional distress can make it worse.
Guess what. People can actually suffer that badly. Some are triggered and that trauma compounds their physical distress. Some have neurodivergence, SPDs, medical crises affecting emotion regulation, or learnt no one helps if they're calm.
Just bc someone has OCD, an eating disorder, bipolar, or even a substance abuse disorder DOES. NOT. MEAN. they're faking or lying.
In fact, the rela between MH and the devastating affects on a body increases risk for srs concerns.
Not all pts are Dr. Google or even use WebMD. Many are chronically ill and HAD to learn everything there is to know about their illness -- more than their drs. This is often what's kept them alive.
They're often helping you, ensuring their own safety, and saving time.
P.S. You're also about to google once you leave
MOST medical emergencies involve a *some* pain or discomfort. You see it so often bc it's the leading cause of what makes most Americans risk the cost and come in. People NEED pain control. They are NOT seeking drugs for a high.
Assuming pts in 10/10 pain who ASK for pain mgmt are faking is toxic, bad dr-ing, unscientific and unethical.
Similar to affect, comedy is used to cope w/ distress. This is doubly true w/ chronic issues or post-trauma. Gallows humor, self-deprecation and ball-busting w/ staff is a coping mechanism.
It may rise in direct correlation w/ severity of their health.
Expressing pain, agitation, fear or any other signs of distress may lead to GREATER discrimination. Their good attitude or hilarity =/= faking.