Put simply, how much harder will it be for McClatchy, Tribune and the new Gannett to meet their challenges AND make money for shareholders, which is how their businesses are built? /4
This comes from something else Jeremy's threads illustrate and @kristenhare has said: The good ol', prosperous days of local news left a lot of people out, like everyone who wasn't white and male. /7
We need a stronger value proposition than information (it's abundant) and accountability (requires public consent to actually work) /9
So too is sports coverage. /11
The value Google and Facebook offer consumers better than the news is knowing what everyone is thinking. /13
So as local news evolves, our goal shouldn't merely be financially sustainable journalism. Our sights should be set higher. /15
We absolutely should abandon scale as a philosophy, but I think we can still be valuable to that middle 68%.
However, it won't happen by mixing crosswords and classifieds in with watchdog reporting or pivoting to TikTok. /16
End ramble. /18