My first journal article!
The Threat of Rent Extraction in a Resource-constrained Future…
I won't try to shoehorn the whole argument into a twitter thread, but to whet your appetite:
Can society adapt to stable, or even lower, levels of economic activity?
Why *does* stagnant/falling GDP tend to result in rising inequality, unemployment and debt?
And is this association inevitable?
To have any hope of ending the growth-at-all-costs mentality that stands in the way of so many progressive policies we must take on the rentiers.
1) dismantle the power of rentiers starting with landowners, Too-Big-To-Fail finance, tech/pharma giants & energy/transport/utility monopolies
Such an emancipatory programme would help empower workers to push for a reduction and redistribution of working hours.…
And if not, well, here's the conclusion so you can pretend that you have.