A variety of so-called #Iran “experts”, alongside Tehran apologists/lobbyists, have always flirted with the “rally around the flag” notion to voice opposition to any firm policy against the mullahs’ regime.
#IranProtests proved them all wrong.
Let’s take a look.

May 30, 2018
@McFaul & @milaniabbas wrote a WaPo piece claiming:

This video shows a brave woman tearing down a "Death to America" poster during the recent November uprising.
The crowd is heard chanting, "Death to the dictator," in a reference to @Khamenei_ir.
February 11, 2019
@borzou wrote an @Independent piece citing “Ali Fathollah Nejad, an Iran scholar at the Brookings Doha Centre” arguing:

Nov 16 - Tehran, Iran
Sadeghiyeh Square
Protesters blocking a road & chanting:
"Death to the dictator!" (@Khamenei_ir)
May 4, 2018
@SinaToossi, a member of @NIACouncil, the known #Iran lobby group in the U.S., writes in the Atlantic Council, known to promote a pro-appeasement approach vis-à-vis Tehran:

Courageous youth in Tehran tear out the mullah's symbol from their country flag & burn it.
Bravo! BRAVO! 👏👏👊💪✌️✌️
July 27, 2019
The Hill: “'Maximum Pressure' on Iran has failed — here's what should come next”
By Marik Von Rennenkampff

Nov 16 - Karaj, west of Tehran, Iran
Protesters are tearing down the regime's flag & scissoring the mullahs' symbol. Iranians across the country have shown they want to overthrow this regime.
Here’s an excellent piece by Liel Leibovitz (@Liel)
“Iran in flames and ‘experts’ didn’t foresee it due to Trump-hate blindness”

I warned about "blind hatred" towards U.S. President Donald Trump in a thread way back in March of this year:
Woman tears down "Death to America" poster.
Crowd chants: "Death to the dictator," referring to @Khamenei_ir.
Iranians have no enmity against America. This is a 40-year lie promoted by the regime.
Iranians know their enemy: the mullahs.