I was part of a pilot, “Faces of Israel”: diversity groups that toured college campuses in America — right before the infamous malicious propaganda event: “Apartheid Week”.
It was scary, frustrating, and sad.
If you’ve ever been to my country, you know that’s utter nonsense. Lies fed to the ignorant.
Why are antisemitic groups (like BDS) allowed to spread fake news and conspiracy theories about Jews & Israel, have events that create and cause divide, hatred and bigotry to begin with?
Why was the pilot I took part of even a necessity?
Why is it, that in the name of social justice — people are given the stage to engage in the delegitimization of the Jewish State?
In reality, Muslim (& Christian) Arabs have freedom of religion in Israel.
But, it didn’t matter.
Right in front of their eyes, stood an Arab woman, just like them — who unlike them enjoys total freedom as a woman: served in the IDF, and works as an engineer for a government owned company.
They didn’t care about Israeli kids not knowing what life without bombs is.
Terrorized and traumatized.
They wouldn’t listen to facts, they didn’t want the truth to confuse them.
They consider themselves “woke” social justice warriors. They believe they’re fighting against evil, when in reality — they are so painfully ignorant that they breathe Nazi propaganda.
They couldn’t care less if Gaza was free.
I’ve experienced it first hand.
I’ve seen how Jews get attacked when Israel is in the news, and how almost immediately — a divide & conquer takes place.
Facts & stats don’t lie.
Your bigoted brain does.
Confused by American Jewish progressives, who don’t want progress when it comes to hate crimes against Jews.
While some may scoff at my thread, being Jewish means you always have 1-2 degrees of separation from victims of terror, and hate crimes. A colleague just told me he may leave early to go to one of the funerals in Jersey City.
Wake up, and smell the anti-Jewish coffee.
This, from #JerseyCity, is what bigoted hate crimes looks like.
This, from the scene outside the Kosher store, is what terror looks like.
THIS, is why I have ZERO patience for casual antisemitism. It causes HUMAN casualties.