Interview @WoodyZuill: bit.ly/2RVODf6
Interview @LlewellynFalco: bit.ly/2sAW40v

Read this and you can start with your first session using #MobProgramming.
This document was, what got me hooked. Thanks to @timothep for showing me.

#StrongStylePairing” is probably the one concept that makes #MobProgramming so different (and way better) from usual pairing Programming as I used to know it.
Thanks @simonharrer, @Waterback and @jochen_christ. You rock!

#seriousPlay #Gamification #AgileGames #rpg

#BabaIsYou #AgileGames

My agenda (3 hours):
1. Quick theory
2. Prepare the room
3. Baba Is You
4. Coding Kata (e.g. RomanNumerals) incl. the Mob Programming Role Playing Game
5. Debrief
#AgileGames #BabaIsYou