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Oct 2nd 2019
[#Thread on Jamal Khashoggi] 1/ It's been a year since Jamal Khashoggi was killed, and the Saudi propaganda machine went into overdrive. As it's the anniversary, I wanted to share some strange findings from October 2018, and offer some new insights on the scale of disinformation
2/ An unusual aspect about the killing of #JamalKhashoggi killing was that it was one of the few times where a regime habitually lies only to actually admit later that it was more or less lying. This means we have a chunk of news we know is fake, and a chunk we know is true
3/ With this in mind, I sought to see whether the true story, or the false story, resonated more widely on Twitter. Was the Saudi propaganda or the truth spread more widely? After all, we do know that fake news spreads more quickly and widely... #JamalKhashoggi
Read 24 tweets
Oct 2nd 2019
#Jamal_Khashoggi was also an ardent admirer of Hamas -- and as long as this is not acknowledged, his record is simply being whitewashed in an irresponsible way…
#Jamal_Khashoggi - who denied the existence of the Jewish temples - claimed that Israel’s "existence is outside the context of history and logic […] it came into being by force, it will live by force and it will die by force"…
Everyone who now glorifies #Jamal_Khashoggi as some kind of noble dissident without mentioning his support for Hamas &Co implicitly legitimizes his vision of a Middle East without Israel
Read 3 tweets
Oct 23rd 2018
Erdogan: -some Consulate employee went to Saudi Arabia to prepare for the crime
-one team went to Belgrade forest after coming from airport
#SaudiArabia #Turkey #Jamal_Khashoggi
-hard disk were removed then contacted Khashoogi who came from London directly to Istanbul
-at 5:50 Hatice contacted Turkish consulate saying she fears Jamal went missing then police started investigation
-on 14th October i talked with Saudi king and presented him evidences and we agreed to form one combined investigation team
-the Consul refused to let Turkish police inside just the investigators and i expressed my displeasure with this to the king
Read 9 tweets

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