2️⃣ Roll back non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people, people of faith, women, and people with disabilities
2️⃣ License discrimination in the name of religion
@HUDgov has moved to roll back protections for people impacted by housing segregation and survivors of domestic violence.
@USDOL has proposed that companies with federal contracts — which employ 25% of the workforce — should be able to discriminate against employees based on the employer’s religious views.
@DHSgov has proposed a rule that would allow immigration officials to decide someone is too old, too young, too poor, or too sick to reside in the United States.
@USEDgov has:
➖Created a double standard that treats sex discrimination different from discrimination on the basis of race
➖Said transgender students aren’t protected from discrimination in schools
➖Stopped investigating claims of LGBTQ discrimination
@HHSgov has:
➖Turned transgender people away from health care
➖Denied people access to reproductive health care, including abortion and birth control
➖Refused health care when a provider has a “religious or moral objection”
It will hurt older Americans, kids, and families. aclu.org/news/lgbt-righ…