She was sending a clear signal that day that most ignored or were simply unwilling acknowledge.
This was why she was running for President. 2/
It was a courageous way to start her campaign. For a woman accused of always playing it safe this was her hell no. 3/
It was a pin drop moment. Clinton understood that by speaking those words she losing much of white America, and would probably not be able to get them back before the election. 4/
Clinton completely understood that she was making her job to become the first woman to lead this nation harder.
And she still did it.
Those damn neo-libs. 5/
But also it proves that she always intended to run a progressive campaign. 6/
And it was also before Bernie.
So, no, Sanders did not push Clinton left. On this and many other issues she was to the left of him. 7/
And no pulling of a few words from a speech she gave in support of the awful '94 crime bill is going to change that.
Nor does it mitigate the fact that making a speech is one thing, but voting for it is entirely another.
Bernie voted for it. 8/
The arguments and personal assaults against her character on this topic were given a life of their own.
The charges that Hillary Clinton was a neo-liberal racist only interested in the votes she could wring from blacks nauseated me. 9/
But they did it, and we let them. 10/
I also overestimated people's ability to see the truths that were right before their eyes.
And an obvious one at that people. It was a thing somehow employed right out in the open by many and nary a challenge flag was thrown. 12/
It's an exercise I recommend. 13/
For those remaining I'm going to try hard to lean heavy on facts, light on snark, so this might get dry. 14/
By most polls, if the election had been held then it would have been a blowout. 15/
The career that followed was no less impressive.
The importance of that program to the lives and well-being of poor children can hardly be overstated. 21/
1n 1995 Clinton travelled to Beijing where she addressed the UN's 4th World Conference on Women and famously declared: 22/
It remains one of the most famous and referenced speeches of the decade.
After leaving the White Clinton became the first First Lady in history to run & win political office.
In 2007 Hillary Clinton launched her first historic bid for the US Presidency. Her now legendary fight with Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination was the most closely watched and closest primaries in the nation's history. 24/
(Thread note 1/)
(Thread note 2/)
The Secretary of State's total powers include:

A final word about foreign policy and a cautionary plea to those on the left and right who assign blame and label people evil due to a fundamental lack of understanding of FP.
These are the experts who advise the experts who advise the Secretary who advises the President.
The ways each Secretary administrates can change wildly, yes.
So, when someone comes to me and calls Hillary Clinton evil because she
Any decision made by Clinton or any Secretary was made on the advice of many
So, use some sense and restraint when you discuss these matters.
Any coup in Honduras Clinton did or did not support in her first year in office
What happened was probably more this than crazy in some people's heads: Clinton comes in and is told the world is on fire in 62 places today. She then asks to be briefed on the five most important fires and assigns her deputies
She made her decision based on the information provided to her. Advice that travelled through good knows how many layers of intrigue, politics and hope.
It's a big world.
Yes bad things happen.
Yes we often do some or cause some.
Use common sense #FFS.
(End Thread Note)
The incoming Obama administration entered Washington with verve and Clinton entered Foggy Bottom to a heroes welcome.
Clinton faced an uphill battle abroad. Our allies had much to resent America for. The Bush Admin, pioneers in the use of fake news, had used it to start a very real war. 28/
It was expensive.
It was unpopular.
And it was all based on lies.
Bush left many problems, but Obama had chosen his foreign policy partner well. Clinton was a political rockstar who had established friendships globally. 30/
The fact is that from 2008 through 2014 Hillary was the popular girl.
Crazy right?
For Clinton, these were the glory days. 34/

Her boss had found the changes she had made at FB for gays so impressive that they were used as the blueprint for the remaining departments of government. 36/
Every single administrative policy she directed during her time, including those regarding #LGBTQ foreign service officers has been overturned by the Trump administration. 37/
As he does with Obama, Trump seeks to erase Clinton's work and legacy.