If it's not reported, it's not news, & it didn't happen.
2. Wax indignant.
This is also known as the "How dare you?" gambit.
Deal only with the weakest aspects of the weakest charges. Even better, create your own straw men. Make up wild rumors (or plant false stories) & give them lead play when you appear to debunk all the charges, real & fanciful alike.
Be sure to use heavily loaded verbs & adjectives when characterizing charges & defending government & its defenders. Carefully avoid fair & open debate w/ anyone you have maligned. For insurance, set up your own "skeptics" to shoot down.
Marginalize critics. For instance, suggesting they are not really interested in the truth but are simply pursuing a partisan political agenda or are out to make money (compared to over-compensated adherents to the government line who, presumably, are not).
Say "that has been debunked."
AKA "confession & avoidance" or "limited hangout," creates an impression of candor & honesty while admitting to relatively harmless "mistakes", often requires embrace of a fall-back position different from the one originally taken.
This technique includes creating/publicizing distractions.
14. Lightly report incriminating facts, and then make nothing of them. This is sometimes referred to as "bump and run" reporting.
A favorite way of doing this is to attribute the "facts" furnished the public to a plausible-sounding, but anonymous, source.

Irena Chalupa, sister to the same Alexandra Chalupa that brought the term Russian hacking to worldwide attention, is a nonresident fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center.
PropOrNot -> Atlantic Council -> Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG)
Who are the BBG? The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) is an independent agency of the US government.
The Secretary of State had a seat on the board of the BBG until December 2016. Why the change?
Now you can say it’s only a sentence and who cares? Nobody communicates through metadata do they? Wasn’t that what PropOrNot was all about?
1/29/2016 UWC President & Atlantic Council President & CEO officially signed a Memo of Agreement to renew cooperation began Sept. 2014.
These techniques are not geared for debate. It is to overwhelm and change the target psyche.

We have all heard people with extreme views use this argument. It is when you say that one behaviour will lead to another behaviour with no evidence that this is the case.

In this fallacy, it is assumed that because one thing is followed by another, the first thing must have caused the second. False cause fallacy is the reason behind the superstitious thinking.
This is one of the weirdest logical fallacies, but it happens all the time. It is the argument that the opinion of the majority is always right.
This fallacy is where because something happened to you, it will also happen to everyone else.
Who's funnier?