The RNC had advanced knowledge about when the next WikiLeaks (GRU) dump of hacked materials stolen from the DNC.
Conspiring with a hostile foreign military intel entity to subvert a US elex sounds a lot like espionage to me (not atty) @GOPChairwoman

“We need to avoid this guy like the plague,” Bannon said in an email to Kush dated 11/5/16 “Paul [Manafort] is nice guy but we can’t let word get out he is advising us.”
“They are going to try to say the RUs worked with WL to give this victory to us.” #Truth

Trump’s loathing for Ukraine is at the heart of the impeachment inquiry
7/11/16: The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian & rebel forces. #UkraineQPQ2Putin

Stone Trial to Shed Light on Who Shared 2016 Campaign Dirt
He is charged with obstruction, witness tampering
Who was the Trump campaign official he talked to about leaks? #Bannon
Experts on Trump’s conduct:
‘Plainly an abuse of power, plainly impeachable’

Tymoshenko was a political rival of former Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych, the predecessor of current Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's predecessor and a former client of Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
#BackingBothSides aka hedging bets.

Dear Colleague on Legislating For The People in the New Phase of the Impeachment Inquiry
“They are going to try to say the RUs worked with WL to give this victory to us.”………
Excellent vid.
Republicans may argue Trump’s actions were not impeachable – but scholars say it’s a solid example of a high crime……
Prime minister accused of ‘sitting on information’ after EU referendum………………
Foster care and adoption groups that rely on federal grants would be allowed to refuse placement for gay, lesbian parents.…
The American was safely evacuated, but the episode was the latest indication that Russian intimidation of American officials has reached levels unseen since the Cold War.…
H/T @jlewis237………
List of TeamTrump - Cheatsheet
The 81 people and organizations just looped into the Trump probe — and why they were included…
For the first time ever, a US cheese is named best in the world…
Enjoy the Mueller document drop!
But find time to get done rest and relaxation as next week will be even crazier as new details come into sharper focus.
Sleep well!

Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
November 2, 2019
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA