A new estimate of the Obama‘s net worth has some folks pretty upset, as they look the other way while Trump allegedly uses the presidency to make money.
Recently, the bank has seen better-than-expected performance during Q3 of 2019. And if you invested a decade ago, it would have turned you a profit.
Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
After 6 yrs of banks-running-wild, EH reassumes his partnership ($2.5 million yr) at white-collar-defense heavyweight Covington & Burling- his office reserved for him in his absence.

The well runs deep – the other side of the Michael Flynn scandal.


I'll have more from on that from @PFC40Book
Walking away unscathed is the man who set the blaze in the first place: President Barack Obama. “Nobody wanted to out the fact that Obama had let it get so bad,” said the DNC official.
Elias was the Clinton campaign’s attorney plus the attorney for the DNC. A partner at Perkins Coie, Elias replaced Bob Bauer, another Perkins Coie attorney when Obama brought him into the WH.
#RussianAsset, #FUSIONGPS,
#fbiabuseofpower: Meet Marc E. Elias of #PerkinsCoie, political law practice chairman who hired the research firm that compiled the dossier...
After Democrats lose the Senate & DNC continue spending money on consultants at an eye-popping rate, Obama decides not to make a leadership change but saddles it w/ DWS & a mountain of debt the HRC campaign would agree to pay off in exchange for control.
Obama finally becomes interested after the 2016 loss. His final gift to the party apparatus is Tom Perez, his labor secretary, recruited to stop Rep. Keith Ellison, D-MN. from winning DNC chair.
DNC funding-raising is anemic.
The DNC is nearly broke
Another critical factor that appears to be hobbling the DNC’s fundraising is the emergence of Organizing for Action (OFA), the independent nonprofit created by Obama campaign alums...
The DNC’s is murkier.
Where Is Barack Obama?
The most popular American, whose legacy is the primary target of Donald Trump, has, for now, virtually disappeared from public life.
According to Westport First Selectman Gordon Joseloff, Stamford incurred $14,812 in police & fire dept OT, including security used to shut down Sherwood Island State Park...
Obama left CT with about $2 million for his re-election campaign.
Joseloff said he sent letters to the DNC, Obama for America, & Weinstein requesting reimbursement for the OT.
Examination of mtg calendars & phone logs from gov agencies reveals extraordinary access: Fall 2007-Spring 2018, BlackRock visited/spoke by phone w/ SR US gov/banking officials nearly 400X.

Failure of Obama Admin’s cosmetic responses to foreclosure mess so evident NYT acknowledges it via 1st pg whitewash (not analysis): “Cautious Moves on Foreclosures Haunting Obama”.
A bill is coming due from America's decade-old borrowing binge as payments jump on a number of home-equity credit lines taken out during the boom.
1st ever time a government-sponsored enterprise has guaranteed single-family rental-home mortgage-backed securities issued by a huge corp landlord.

Trump fired Comey & next day the fundraising appeal raising specter of Dem-led impeachment released.
“Calls For Impeachment Grow Louder,” says subject line.

John Kerry
Chris Dodd
Robert Menendez
Diane Feinstein
Al Franken
Claire McCaskill
Robert Casey
Mary Landieu
Richard Blumenthal
Harry Reid
...many more.
Elias called in by the office of Harry Reid to help craft a provision added into the $1.1 trillion spending bill at the last minute. The provision effectively raised the amount of money donors can give to political parties from $97,400 to $777,600...

1. #FusionGPS
2. #Crowdstrike
Crowdstrike claimed Russia hacked DNC servers. Given the fact that Perkins Coie lied to the NYT for a year regarding Fusion GPS should we maybe circle back around & kick the tires on Crowdstrike.
HRC team sought...
Here’s the April 21, 2015 memo: