What imaginary world do you live in where women can vote?
What imaginary world do you live in, where we go to the moon?
What imaginary world do you live in, where smoking in public places isn't allowed?
Every fine thing humanity has ever done we've imagined into being. Every horrible thing, too.
This fellow in the quote is so upset at the suggestion we try, he'd like to see me in a massacre.
A world in which massacres are a viable solution to problems is his preference.
The solution is to imagine a country in which it is not, and then to work until that country exists.
They think a wall will stop people at a border.
They think an ID will stop people at the polls.
It's just they have the world they want already, when it comes to massacres.
In a country captured by these lies, guns won't save you.
We have it.
We can imagine better now.