Back in the days I was bidding as EPR team for the replacement of Ringhals 2 against Westing’s AP1000. In October 2014, the already 5-years long call for bid of joint technical work was ended by the Greens as a coalition’ gift. Closure is too early, a waste
After 3 years of working with Sweden on the bid, I was very impressed of how environmentally conscious and science based Swedish people were and how efficient the power mix was. The political decision came as a shock violent enough to make me leave AREVA.
A couple of month later, I was starting to work for inclusion of business in the climate discussions and expectations, ahead of COP21.
1. Climate change is much worst than what we think and can imagine it is
2. Nuclear power is key against climate change, a game changer
3. Climate actions and talk are mostly spent killing the solution instead of addressing the problem
Of course AREVA since then had collapsed, as had Westinghouse, in the aftermath of Fukushima. So it didn’t happen exactly like that.