1. look for a new job immediately. Call friends, clients, competition.
Don't ask for a job, dont ask for "help". Tell them what you accomplished in your past job and the specific way you will add value to their organization.
Discretionary means all those expenses you DONT HAVE to do. eg Summer Holidays in Dubai
Redo your budget. Raise cash by cutting unnecessary expenses, retain cash.
How long can it last? Do you have any large Non- Discretionary expenses that need to be met eg Rent?
Start to plan a gradual sell off of investments that you have made a Profit from.the objective is to raise cash.
Remember, you are now earning passive income. If you want to go back to school, can your passive income fund your obligations?
Remember you need cash.
What will you do with your "free" time.
Dont stop waking by 5am....dont get lazy, be active, be sharp, exercise your instinct. be social
Dont beat yourself up, it's a new opportunity for you....grab it