I am John and I will be your host today.

Before that, and just to get you an idea about our year, overall it was a great business year, the best in 3, and the busiest December ever.
We don't tag creators in this list as that'd be an insane amount of searching to do as we don't just tag a writer or an artist when talking about a book as we try and tag the entire creative team normally. That's just not happening here today.
Partworks were removed as they're basically a periodical, RPG books were removed as they're an entire thing to themselves. (We will talk about them later)
Like I said before we were lucky enough to have Sana Takeda with us at World Con and here in store too and that helped bolster the numbers. But this would've been a top 10 finish regardless.
Thanks for reading.
Thank you for making our job as awesome as it is and thank you for supporting us.
You are all amazing.
There are literally every different type of comic book listed in there aimed at every demographic you can think of.
Well, not here...
Before we go I'll give you some more info just for fun.
Kieron Gillen wrote our top 100th, 50th and number 1 entry on this list so I'm picking those numbers on the lotto.
Of the 100 slots on the list My Hero Academia features in 14 of them.
Any questions fire away and I'll do my best to get to those too.
Cheers all.
Here's to 2020.