I’m finding that quality of Warren’s plans quite vexing, as her supporters point to her PLANS above all
A (sorry long) #GND thread:
It’s a bit out of date (back in Oct, she was proposing less $$ than John Delaney!), but here are those thoughts:
The size *is* important, but it’s not worth losing sight of what’s really at stake: investments DO stuff
But CAN you bring about the GND's change w/ those levers?
So let’s take a concrete issue that touches all of our daily lives: transportation
Why? It’s our biggest contributor of GHG, adding over 2 billion tons to our atmosphere every year. To make progress, we have to push it down. Fast.

Data from
nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi?… &

When we hit zero emissions as the standard for all new cars & light-duty trucks, buses, and medium & heavy-duty trucks, it's still 10+ yrs before decarbonization

Currently, there are 1.27m ZEVs on the road, 2% market share but <.5% of all road vehicles

By then we’re well on our way to 3 degrees of warming
So let’s get to em and see how we’re gonna decarbonize transportation!

Scroll to the 100% Clean Vehicles & Restarting Our Transportation Sector (respectively), and you’ll find how we’re gonna decarbonize transportation
Plan 1: medium.com/@teamwarren/10…
1 Set emissions standards
2 Invest in charging network
3 Boost demand & spur innovation by
4 Buying/funding ZEV purchases
So let's see the details
Plan 2: elizabethwarren.com/plans/green-jo…
Warren’s EPA will simply set emissions standards that say all new vehicles must be zero emission by 2030—year over year, that’s a reduction 3x more stringent than those of Obama’s EPA
Undeniably a bold regulatory move

Well, the growth rate of ZEV purchases will increase substantially: all new purchases after 2030 (~17m vehicles/yr) will be zero-emission.
Then we just have to wait for the old gas guzzlers to be cycled out of the fleet
Zero emissions by 2045, baby!

BUT the key point is: you can’t just rely on regulating newly produced vehicles
The most obvious problem here is that people are, despite the growth we’ve seen, still reluctant to buy ZEVs:


Impediment A: Vehicle ranges are a concern: we don’t have sufficient charging infrastructure, the technology is not standardized / interoperable
Warren’s plan:

Enough, Warren’s team implies
But really?

Warren’s GND (a station in 2500 federal rest stops) adds enough infrastructure for... 800k more ZEVs
Big infrastructure burden being left to... others?
Because the plan also ensures charging stations as “widespread and accessible… as gas stations”
But HOW is this ensured?
There’s no stated investment, no program to deliver funds, no new regulations proposed. These aren’t small details!

At $100k a pop, that's 850k stations
That CAN support a fleet of about 250m ZEVs, if we take CA as a model (1800 for 570k ZEVs)

How’s Warren propose to bring down the cost? Government investment as market intervention, mostly.

Some unseat portion of her $???B BUILD Green program will help replace the 900k buses & 3.5M state/county/municipal vehicles
That’s 5M of 270M vehicles

Scaled ALL the way up, they can replace 5m vehicles and take 58M tons of GHG out of transportation, leaving… 1.15 billion or so?

Well yes, but don’t worry: all these govt ZEVs will spur efficiencies in supply chains & R&D breakthroughs, which will, over time, lower prices for owners of the other 265M vehicles, increasing demand
Over time
Now THAT will lower prices!
Give people $$$ to reduce upfront costs
But in Sept, Warren didn’t say how much (L)
And in Dec, CC4C gets not just LESS detail but is ENTIRELY ELIMINATED (R)

The Cash for Clunkers program was $3B paid out in ~$4400 on 680k car sales during 3 months of 2009
On what parts of that is “Clean Cars for Clunkers” “based”?
Details missing

The grants are on a sliding income-based scale that’s not spelled out, but if the idea is to cut the cost of LREVs in half & spend that, it’s about 150M ZEVs

But even then a Sanders GND nets 147M MORE vehicles swapped out for ZEVs

A Warren GND?
2% for sure
Plus… wherever the regulated market gets us?
Those investments
They’re important
Here they are summarized:

What on earth did they learn about the challenge of decarbonizing transportation?
And Sanders's GND is, in concrete, measurable ways, the only one that seems up to the task of averting that awful future

But you should be asking:
1. Can we hit IPCC emissions targets *without* decarbonizing transportation before ~2045?
2. If not, can we decarbonize sooner *without* huge public-sector investments in infrastructure & incentives?
The end