The main reason Orthodox Sunnis dislike the Psuedo-salafi movement is not because they don't follow one of the four madahib. Even though that is an issue itself.
The main reason is their dodgy aqeedah which is borderline Kufr and consists of anthropomorphism.
2 hands
A face
A smile
2 feet
A shin
2 eyes
He has a Throne which he is above also apparently?
A 'footstool'
Attributing sitting,ascending and descending to Allah.
Have they read Aqeedah Tahawi a text accepted unanimously?
He is Exalted above any limits, ends, supports, limbs, or tools. He is not contained by six directions like the rest of created things.
He is independent of the Throne and whatever is beneath it.
“Whoever thinks that Allah has a body made of organs, then he is an idol-worshipperWhosoever worships a body is regarded a disbeliever by the consensus of all the scholars, the early scholars and the late” (Iljam al-Anam an Ilm al-Kalam, 6-8)
May Allah protect us from these beliefs and allow us to have to correct Aqeedah!