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Film thread: In the 2010s Mexico produced a record number of movies. With that in mind, I’ve decided to highlight 150 Mexican films (yes, so many!) from the last decade that I think are good, great, or amazing - all worth a watch.
These are just my personal choices and in no way a definitive “best of” list. There are plenty more that I probably haven’t seen yet. For the purpose of this thread I focused on films about Mexico also mostly made by Mexican directors.
That’s why some works by Tatiana Huezo, Rodrigo Plá, or Iñárritu are not listed here even if they are Mexican productions. I also included some films made about Mexico by filmmakers who are not Mexican.
There are also a couple films from the late 2000s that didn’t get released until the 2010s in Mexico and the US. To the best of my research ability, I’ve also included the English-language titles for all those that have an official one.
Hope you don’t find this too annoying and that you find a couple that spark your interest. This took longer to do than it seems, but it was also fun to reminisce about some great works. ¡Vive México! 🇲🇽 Let’s begin:
1. La 4a compañía (The 4th Company)
Dirs. Amir Galván Cervera and Mitzi Vanessa Arreola
2. 7:19
Dir. Jorge Michel Grau
3. 600 millas (600 Miles)
Dir. Gabriel Ripstein
4. Abel
Dir. Diego Luna
5. Acorazado
 Dir. Álvaro Curiel
6. Los adioses (The Eternal Feminine)
Dir. Natalia Beristáin
7. Alamar (To the Sea)
Dir. Pedro González-Rubio
8. El alien y yo (The Alien)  
 Dir. Jesús Magaña Vázquez
9. Almacenados (Warehoused)
 Dir. Jack Zagha Kababie
10. A los ojos (Through The Eyes)
 Dir. Michel Franco and Victoria Franco
11. Ana y Bruno (Ana and Bruno)
 Dir. Carlos Carrera
12. Año bisiesto (Leap Year)
Dir. Michael Rowe
13. Los años azules (The Blue Years)
 Dir. Sofía Gómez-Córdova
14. Aquí y allá (Here and There)
 Dir. Antonio Méndez Esparza
15. Asfixia (Suffocation)
 Dir. Kenya Márquez
16. Ayer maravilla fui (Yesterday Wonder I Was)
 Dir. Gabriel Mariño
17. Ayotzinapa, el paso de la tortuga (Ayotzinapa, The Turtle's Pace)
 Dir. Enrique García Meza
18. Los bañistas (Open Cage)
 Dir. Max Zunino
19. Bellas de noche (Beauties of the Night)
Dir. María Jose Cuevas
20. Bruma (Mist)
 Dir. Max Zunino
21. Las buenas hierbas (The Good Herbs)
Dir. Maria Novaro
22. Caballerango
Dir. Juan Pablo González
23. La caja vacía (The Empty Box)
Dir. Claudia Sainte-Luce
24. La calle de la amargura (Bleak Street)
Dir. Arturo Ripstein
25. La camarista (The Chambermaid)
Dir. Lila Avilés
26. Camino a Marte (Road to Mars)
Dir. Humberto Hinojosa Ozcáriz
27. Carmín tropical
Dir. Rigoberto Perezcano
28. El charro de Toluquilla (The Charro of Toluquilla)
Dir. Jose Villalobos
29. Chicogrande
Dir. Felipe Cazals
30. Chicuarotes
Dir. Gael García Bernal
31. Ciudadano Buelna
Dir. Felipe Cazals
32. El club de los insomnes
Dirs. Sergio Goyri Jr. and Joseduardo Giordano
33. Club sándwich (Club Sandwich)
Dir. Fernando Eimbcke
34. Colosio: el asesinato (Colosio: The Assassination)
Dir. Carlos Bolado
35. Cómprame un revolver (Buy Me a Gun)
Dir. Julio Hernández Cordón
36. Cría puercos (Esmeralda's Twilight)
Dir. Ehécatl García
37. Cuates de Australia (Drought)
Dir. Everardo González
38. La delgada línea amarilla (The Thin Yellow Line)
Dir. Celso García
39. Desierto
Dir. Jonas Cuaron
40. Después de Lucía (After Lucia)
Dir. Michel Franco
41. Días de gracia (Days of Grace)
Dir. Everardo Valerio Gout
42. Los días más oscuros de nosotras (The Darkest Days of Us)
Dir. Astrid Rondero
43. La dictadura perfecta (The Perfect Dictatorship)
Dir. Luis Estrada
44. Distancias cortas (Walking Distance)
Dir. Alejandro Guzmán Alvarez
45. Eco de la montaña (Echo of the Mountain)
Dir. Nicolás Echevarría
46. Eddie Reynolds y los Ángeles de Acero
Dir. Gustavo Moheno
47. Las elegidas (The Chosen Ones)
Dir. David Pablos
48. Elvira, te daría mi vida pero la estoy usando (Elvira, I'd Give You My life but I'm Using It)
Dir. Manolo Caro
49. Esto no es Berlín (This is Not Berlin)
Dir. Hari Sama
50. Estrellas solitarias (Lonely Stars)
Dir. Fernando Urdapilleta
51. Etiqueta no rigurosa (No Dress Code Required)
Dir. Cristina Herrera Borquez
52. Familia de medianoche (Midnight Family)
Dir. Luke Lorentzen
53. Fecha de caducidad (Expiration Date)
Dir. Kenya Márquez
54. Gloria
Dir. Christian Keller
55. González: falsos profetas (González)
Dir. Christian Díaz Pardo
56. Güeros
Dir. Alonso Ruizpalacios
57. La guerra de Manuela Jankovic (Manuela Jankovic's War)
Dir. Diana Cardozo
58. Guerrero
Dir. Ludovic Bonleux
59. Guten Tag, Ramón (Buen Día, Ramón)
Dir. Jorge Ramírez-Suárez
60. La habitación (Tales of Mexico)
Dirs. Natalia Beristáin, Carlos Bolado, Carlos Carrera, Ernesto Contreras, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Alfonso Pineda Ulloa, Alejandro Valle, and Iván Ávila Dueñas
61. Hasta los dientes (Armed to the Teeth)
Dir. Alberto Saúl Arnaut Estrada
62. Halley
Dir. Sebastián Hoffman
63. Heli
Dir. Amat Escalante
64. Hilda
Dir. Andres Clariond
65. El hombre que vio demasiado (The Man Who Saw Too Much)
Dir. Trisha Ziff
66. Las horas contigo (The Hours with You)
Dir. Catalina Aguilar Mastretta
67. Las horas muertas (The Empty Hours)
Dir. Aarón Fernández Lesur
68. I Hate Love
Dir. Humberto Hinojosa Ozcáriz
69. Las hijas de Abril (April's Daughter)
Dir. Michel Franco
70. El incidente (The Incident )
Dir. Isaac Ezban
71. El infierno (Hell)
Dir. Luis Estrada
72. Los insólitos peces gato (The Amazing Cat Fish)
Dir. Claudia Sainte-Luce
73. La jaula de oro (The Golden Dream)
Dir. Diego Quemada-Diez
74. El Jeremías (Jeremy)
Dir. Anwar Safa
75. Leona
Dir. Isaac Cherem
76. Levantamuertos (Death Strokes)
Dir. Miguel Nuñez
77. La libertad del diablo (Devil’s Freedom)
Dir. Everardo González
78. Llévate mis amores (All of Me)
Dir. Arturo González Villaseñor
79. Made in Bangkok
Dir. Flavio Florencio
80. Manto acuífero (The Well)
Dir. Michael Rowe
81. Maquinaria Panamericana (Panamerican Machinery)
Dir. Joaquin del Paso
82. El más buscado (Mexican Gangster)
Dir. José Manuel Cravioto
83. Matria
Dir. Fernando Llanos
84. Me estás matando, Susana (You're Killing Me Susana)
Dir. Roberto Sneider
85. Mente revólver (Revolver Mind)
Dir. Alejandro Ramírez Corona
86. Miss Bala
Dir. Gerardo Naranjo
87. Un monstruo de mil cabezas (A Monster with a Thousand Heads)
Dir. Rodrigo Plá
88. Un mundo secreto (A Secret World)
Dir. Gabriel Mariño
89. Museo
Dir. Alonso Ruizpalacios
90. Nadie sabrá nunca (No One Will Ever Know)
Dir. Jesús Torres Torres
91. Navajazo
Dir. Ricardo Silva
92. La negrada (Black Mexicans)
Dir. Jorge Pérez Solano
93. Las niñas bien (The Good Girls)
Dir. Alejandra Márquez Abella
94. Noches de Julio (Lonesome Collectors)
Dir. Axel Mishael Muñoz
95. No quiero dormir sola (She Doesn't Want to Sleep Alone)
Dir. Natalia Beristáin
96. Nosotros los Nobles (We Are the Nobles/ The Noble Family)
Dir. Gaz Alazraki
97. Nuestro tiempo (Our Time)
Dir. Carlos Reygadas
98. Obediencia perfecta (Perfect Obedience)
Dir. Luis Urquiza
99. Ocho de cada diez (Eight Out of Ten)
Dir. Sergio Umansky
100. Los ojos del mar (The Gaze of the Sea)
Dir. José Álvarez
101. El ombligo de Guie'dani (Guie'dani's Navel)
Dir. Xavi Sala
102. Las oscuras primaveras (The Obscure Spring)
Dir. Ernesto Contreras
103. Oso polar (Polar Bear)
Dir. Marcelo Tobar
104. El paciente interno (The Convict Patient)
Dir. Alejandro Solar Luna
105. Paraíso (Paradise)
Dir. Mariana Chenillo
106. Los parecidos (The Similars)
Dir. Isaac Ezban
107. Pastorela
Dir. Emilio Portes
108. El placer es mío (The Pleasure is Mine)
Dir. Elisa Miller
109. Plaza de la Soledad
Dir. Maya Goded
110. Post Tenebras Lux
Dir. Carlos Reygadas
111. Preludio
Dir. Eduardo Lucatero
112. Presunto culpable (Presumed Guilty)
Dir. Roberto Hernández and Geoffrey Smith
113. Purgatorio: Viaje al corazón de la frontera (Purgatorio: A Journey Into the Heart of the Border)
Dir. Rodrigo Reyes
114. Quebranto (Disrupted)
Dir. Roberto Fiesco
115. Las razones del corazón (The Reasons of the Heart)
Dir. Arturo Ripstein
116. La región salvaje (The Untamed)
Dir. Amat Escalante
117. Resurrección (Resurrection)
Dir. Eugenio Polgovsky
118. Los reyes del pueblo que no existe (Kings of Nowhere)
Dir. Betzabé García
119. Rezeta
Dir. Fernando Frías
120. Roma
Dir. Alfonso Cuarón
121. Rush Hour
Dir. Luciana Kaplan
122. Sabrás qué hacer conmigo (You Will Know What to Do with Me)
Dir. Katina Medina Mora
123. El Santos vs. La Tetona Mendoza
Dirs. Alejandro Lozano, Andrés Couturier, and Álvaro Curiel
124. Semana Santa
Dir. Alejandra Márquez Abella
125. Soles negros (Dark Suns)
Dir. Julien Elie
126. Somos lo que hay (We Are What We Are)
Dir. Jorge Michel Grau
127. Somos Mari Pepa (We Are Mari Pepa)
Dir. Samuel Kishi
128. Sopladora de hojas (Leaf Blower)
Dir. Alejandro Iglesias Mendizábal
129. El sueño del Mara'akame (Mara'akame's Dream)
Dir. Federico Cecchetti
130. El sueño de Lú (The Dream of Lu)
Dir. Hari Sama
131. Sueño en otro idioma (I Dream In Another Language)
Dir. Ernesto Contreras
132. Sunú
Dir. Teresa Camou Guerrero
133. Tamara y la catarina (Tamara and the Ladybug)
Dir. Lucia Carreras
134. Tempestad
Dir. Tatiana Huezo
135. Tenemos la carne (We Are the Flesh)
Dir. Emiliano Rocha Minter
136. Te prometo anarquía (I Promise You Anarchy)
Dir. Julio Hernández Cordón
137. Tercera llamada (Last Call)
Dir. Francisco Franco Alba
138. Tesoros
Dir. Maria Novaro
139. Tiempo compartido (Time Share)
Dir. Sebastián Hoffman
140. Tiempos felices (Happy Times)
Dir. Luis Javier M. Henaine
141. Las tinieblas (The Darkness)
Dir. Daniel Castro Zimbrón
142. La tirisia (Perpetual Sadness)
Dir. Jorge Pérez Solano
143. Todo lo demás (Everything Else)
Dir. Natalia Almada
144. Los últimos cristeros (The Last Christeros)
Dir. Matías Meyer
145. El velador (The Night Watchman)
Dir. Natalia Almada
146. La vida inmoral de la pareja ideal (Tales of an Immoral Couple)
Dir. Manolo Caro
147. La vida precoz y breve de Sabina Rivas (The Precocious & Brief Life of Sabina Rivas)
Dir. Luis Mandoki
148. El vigilante (The Night Guard)
Dir. Diego Ros
149. Vuelven (Tigers Are Not Afraid)
Dir. Issa López
150. Workers
Dir. José Luis Valle
That concludes this long thread. Hopefully you feel like checking out some of these Mexican films and find the ones that are gems to you. Also, I’m sure I missed some great ones, so don’t hesitate to mention which of your favorites I didn’t include. 🇲🇽❤️
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