@dmuthuk @Gautam__Baid @iancassel @IntrinsicInv
@GavinSBaker @saxena_puru
Few of my takeaways in the thread below.
"The success of the Coffee Can program depends entirely on the wisdom and foresight used to select the objects to be placed in the coffee can to begin with."
Few I could think of.
2) Gives enough importance to Valuations on why their purchase at this price would give them good returns - Company severely undervalued based on their long-term
3) Understands that creation of Business value takes time (and that they don't strictly follow Qtrly/Yrly timelines) and that Stock prices will eventually
4) Identifies the few criteria that really matters for that particular business/industry and only reacts when those metrics are materially changing (for the worse).
6) Holding them for a very long time (while keeping in mind all of the above).