Does that sound like you?
Does the little voice in your head tell you that your target audience is everybody?
Well, let me be the first person to break it to you; Your product is NOT for everyone.
Who ever taught you that should be jailed...(and
No product is created for every Tom, Dick and Harry.
Your job as a smart business owner should be to find the people that your product appeals to...more than everyone else.
That is your target audience.
There are people who are frantically
...and forget about anyone else. This doesn't mean that others are prohibited from buying from you. No!
I mean, you should invest your resources into those people that are
P.S: As important as salt is, not everyone buys salt.
Doubt it?
Okay, try selling a pack of salt to a young bachelor that can't cook & has no intention of learning.
You will sell nothing.