Core insight = trend to natural/organic products, but popular deodorants used a ton of chemicals (aluminum etc).”
Version A went to 1000 customers
Version B went to 1000 customers
Which version gets higher reviews and higher repeat purchase rate?
^this is how a founders brain is different than the avg person. Avg ppl get scared off bc they assume you need to “know about x” before doing x
I went and dig up the post (…). Interestingly he was doing subscription then, but a few commenters asked for single unit testers so took that feedback and added it. 1 sale, but valuable feedback
- tested a bunch of samples off Etsy. He and @sulemanali would put diff deodorant under each arm then go run around soma. Check which one worked better
- one manufacturer bailed. Had to give her $5k bonus just to fill orders
A whole batch of orders melted in the truck. He touched it and it was liquid. So many “almost deaths” due to manufacturing problems
Hired 1st employee after 1 year. he ran the fb ads all the way till after acquisition. Don’t outsource your superpower
Jan 2016 - $50k/month
November 2016 - $1M/mo
20X in 11 months 🦾
“Do you know how to write ‘Native’ on other things?” Shampoo, lotion, toothpaste etc.. painted a blue sky
1) hand labeling 24k units per day at one point
2) manually pouring formula into bottles
3) ensuring packaging is under 16oz for mailing
@moizali show us your rawest early days pic from the dining table