It was deep in the dog days of last summer, our funding situation at its grimmest. I lay awake every night gnawing and fretting over whether we really had product market fit or not.
But everything seemed to take *forever*. A week felt like a year. I didn't know if these bets would pay off or not. And we were running out of time.
That's when my brain caught a manager brain virus and snapped into stupid mode.
The team response was mild, which would have been a warning had I been listening rather than barreling on.
"What if -- hear me out -- what if you just made sure everyone was crystal clear on what they must do, and removed absolutely all blockers to getting it done? Why will adding anything more help?"
He was right. Everyone knew the situation we were in. Everybody was already working their asses off and postponing vacations. They felt more ownership and responsibility than I could ever have asked. And I was going to "motivate" them with a game? Lol, sigh.
Any change you make imposes a cost. And any changes you make will take time to play out.
And from caring about the people you work with.
Fortunately the virus cleared before I could act on plan. Bracing honesty will cure most manager thought viruses. 👍