Therefore, a messages deployed yesterday is that all parties are corrupt. The Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans.
This is standard Russian propaganda. . .
“He’s a liar, but he’s our liar. I’d rather stick with our corrupt liar than the enemy corrupt liar.”
Like this⤵️
It's just one say to kill democracy.
(h/t @doxterdeg and @TaMcColgan for the examples)

The solution is to vote.
The antidote to cynicism is to hold on to your principles and remember that there are people who have them.
I also saw the typo in the first tweet.
Usually I blame keyboard gremlins, but this time it was definitely due to trying to tweet before drinking my morning coffee ☕️ (It's early here)
It's impossible to tell the difference between people who genuinely believe the lies (example: Schiff denied all due process), and accounts deliberately engaging in "bothsidesism"
Most people know the "due process denied" nonsense was a lie . . .

My advice is not to argue with strangers on Twitter. You won't change their minds, and you will wear yourself out.
Their goal is to tire you out and discourage you.
Volunteer work serves two purposes: It will help save democracy and it will save your sanity by lifting you out of the daily news cycle.
When I spent . . .
People need to turn their rage into action⤵️