🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
#regimechange #ProtectBolivia #ProtectDemocracy
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
🗣️📢Do not let that happen.
🗣️📢Evo Morales is one of the great leaders of the 21st century.
🗣️📢Protect democracy
🗣️📢Protect Bolivia
More violence in #Bolivia now storming state run broadcaster radio - reports
• They hire people who terrorize on motorcycles and with sticks.
• Call on law enforcement to breach their mandate.
• They don't want dialogue.
• They want to break the constitutional order.
-Sacha Llorenti-
La Patria newspaper reports that there is a fire in the house of the governor of #Oruro, Víctor Hugo Vásquez
"The reactionary forces that are unaware of the electoral result generate violence against indigenous women, peasants and authorities in exercise to illegitimately seize power."
#Urgente #Bolivia: see how they attacked and burned the house of the governor of Oruro, Victor Hugo Vásquez.
See listen:🤨👇🏼
"those who try the coup d'etat play with fire, people here will not let the who staged the coup move forward." #ElMundoConEvo
@UN @KremlinRussia_E @UNHumanRights
🤬📢Those who are involved in the coup are not people, they are monsters
🗣️📢@UN @KremlinRussia_E @UNHumanRights

#Bolivia | In El Alto, La Paz, protesters in support of President Evo Morales and against the coup attempt.
"Evo you're not alone!" they say.
is on scene now. One man says coup leader Camacho represents 'some 10 people.'
"Here are the citizens of all of #Bolivia and we are against Camacho..."
El Salvador's Frente Farabundo Marti @FMLNoficial
denounces & condemns the coup attempt by the fascist right in #Bolivia against President Evo Morales. #ElMundoConEvo
#Bolivia | In El Alto protesters show their support for the democratically elected president, #EvoMorales.
“Evo brother El Alto is with you!”
All our solidarity & support for our South Indigenous Chief. We demand respect for the will of the Bolivian People who re-elected him as their president
- Camacho comes from Santa Cruz supposedly to deliver a letter. It's a lie. He comes wanting to carry out a coup.
@FreddyteleSUR: How long will you be here?
- Permanently. We wont move until Camacho leaves.
This resident says they've gathered for "por consciencia" & not for political affinity. "We cannot permit a part of the country to attempt a coup, in the name of all of us...
"Enough! We cannot keep quiet "compañeros"!"
The same methods🤬.
Do you remember🤨👇🏼?
"We ratify that we will never face the People, whom we respect. We will ensure peace and coexistence between brothers and the development of our homeland."
🤬📢Look what the coup perpetrators did to the property that housed the Unitel network antenna in Ciudad Satélite.
@UN @UNHumanRights
Coup NO!
#Bolivia undergoing a #USA backed coup! #Chile, #Ecuador, #Venezuela, #Guatemala, #Honduras & #Mexico aren't coincidences.
@UN @UNHumanRights
The gringos apply the same script from #Venezuela ... How original! And how predictable. But, the #Bolivian People will know how to respond to the fascist coup that is in process.
Too much violence for those in networks & media sold as defenders of democracy #EvoNoTasSolo
"I see Camacho on social media grab the Bolivian flag and" defend "Bolivia, but it is not like that. He defends political and sectoral interests, but more than anything else, his personal interest as an entrepreneur."
🤬📢All this supported by the #USA regime and its fascistic client states.
See what they shout at the @UN!
"Evo President"
Let's make it viral!
Make this viral 🗣️FOR THE WORLD TO KNOW!
#Bolivian President @evoespueblo denounced violent attacks by opposition groups, who burned the house of the governors in the cities of Chuquisaca and Oruro, as well as his sister’s house.
#Now "Your life is at risk" was the threat they made to workers of #Bolivia TV and Patria Nueva if they did not cut their broadcasts
Impressive national march in favor of the president of #Bolivia
Demonstrations in the El Alto area in favor of Evo Morales block the main highway linking El Alto with La Paz. El Alto is a very powerful city, perhaps more important even than the capital La Paz at the population level ...
"Evo you're not alone!"
@ALBATCP countries express their support for the Bolivian government & institutions, denounce the attempted coup d'état in progress, call for the return of peace & reaffirm their solidarity with President @evoespueblo.
The @FrenteGuasuPY of Paraguay condemns the attempted coup against the Bolivian president, @evoespueblo
This is huge:tens of thousands of union members, indigenous people & rural farmers are descending on the Bolivian capital,La Paz,to protect the democratically elected govt of #EvoMorales from the violent right-wing coup rocking the country
.@wyattreed13 covered the Bolivian coup’s opening phase at the @GrayzoneProject, documenting the activities of an operative from the regime change training factory known as the Human Rights Foundation.
"The starting point to this intervention stage began w the fires in the Bolivian Chiquitanía in mid-August. Dozens of NGOs created a climate of tension not seen since 2008. The "leadership" of Camacho has been emerging since those days."
#Bolivian President #EvoMorales his government has decided to hold new presidential elections,& change all members of the electoral authority TSE after a report from the OAS recommending a new vote.
Progressive leaders & organizations expressed their solidarity with Bolivian President #EvoMorales after his government denounced that an attempted coup was underway by right-wing forces seeking to oust his leftist government. #Bolivia
The President announces that #Bolivia's Congress will initiate a process by which the new members of the electoral body will be chosen.
The president @evoespueblo announced new elections and new TSE #LaOEAGpolpista
2. The violent opposition sowed terrorism, took the state media, tied journalists, beat indigenous people, burned houses of government officials and relatives
3. #Bolivia's far right talks about "democracy" while giving a #coup, they are only "democrats" if they win
4. The people of #Bolivia mobilized in support of their president @evoespueblo and in defense of #democracy
5. Violence is the only argument of the opposition and it continues to grow, so they tied journalists, attacked and occupied the media, burned, struck #OposiciónAntidemocrática

6. At night, outraged by the violent and racist opposition, in #ElALTO President @evoespueblo's supporters came out to express their support, while the tension remained very strong.
7. Finally, for #peace, #stability, for the #protection of the people from the violent, the President @evoespueblo announced new general elections & the new TSE & thus dawned Sunday #10Nov in #Bolivia.
The opposition (the richest men in Bolivia) didn't recognize the result & violent acts began.
Evo proposed an international audit of the results. He called for calm & conviviality"
Evo knows that he won the elections, that he is the legitimate president, but he cares much+about the lives of Bolivians
2006 13.0%
2018 2.4%
2006 9.2%
2018 4.1%
Moderate Poverty
2006 60.6%
2018 34.6%
Extreme poverty
2006 38.2%
2018 15.2%
But police & military operate in favor of the coup.
🤬📢Attempted coup continued.
@evoespueblo says the decision to call new elections was to preserve the peace in #Bolivia" so that we do not confront the Bolivian family."
🇧🇴President #EvoMorales rejected calls for resignation & condemned the opposition for failing to respect his new decision to reform the electoral authority & call for new elections, he told teleSUR in an exclusive interview from #LaPaz
#Bolivia | Bolivian President #EvoMorales said his government has decided to hold new presidential elections & change all members of the electoral authority TSE amid major unrest in the country led by right-wing forces.
So is the #Bolivian opposition refusing new elections that #EvoMorales agreed to despite him having won already? These people can’t win fair and square. They will settle for nothing less than a coup
This is a recognition that #EvoMorales did win fairly and if there were new fair elections in #Bolivia he would most likely win again!
#Bolivia | Supporters of President #EvoMorales are taking to the streets of major cities in the country to express their support for democracy & for the legitimacy of the president's mandate against right-wing violent unrest.
To have a clearer understanding regarding the current #Bolivian political crisis & who's behind the coup attempt against the constitutional president of #Bolivia, Evo Morales, see thread by @GBorgesRevilla, Director at Misión Verdad
In 2008, the last time the rightist #Bolivian opposition threatened to oust #EvoMorales, the #USA set up an "Emergency Action Committee" to manage "a coup attempt or President #Morales’ death"
You can bet a similar contingency plan is in effect today.

See Thread🤨👇🏼
Live Coverage of the unfolding political situation in Bolivia as right-wing forces unleash violence nationwide in an attempt to oust leftist President #EvoMorales despite his call for NewElections & dialogue in an effort to restore peace
BREAKING | #Bolivian President #EvoMorales forced to resign amid a right-wing coup.
From #Bolivia, they report that several resignations of senior officials of the government of @evoespueblo, as well as other state powers are being obtained by the #opposition based on the threat: #kidnap #relatives to force them to resign.
@FreddyteleSUR which is an area of coca growers
RESPONSIBLE: #OAS for insisting on the idea of fraud without a single test, the coup police, & politicians who have allowed violence.
-Vice President García Linero-
- @ evoespueblo and García Linero-

Bolivia's President of the Senate, Adriana Salvatierra, announces her resignation. She was suppossed to assume the presidency after Evo Morales and Alvaro Garcia Linera were forced to resigned earlier Sunday afternoon.
This article reads like an exact replay of the Hugo Chavez #USA-inspired coup.
yes if u bet #USA behind the coup in #bolivia ud likely win
Bolivian opposition DEMANDING foreign intervention by the US StateDep. The opposition explicitly appeal to Washington—the single largest offender of human rights globally—because they know that the US backs & finances coups against democratically-elected leaders

Evidently this #CIA agent threatened the elected leader of #Bolivia and forced him to resign. They cannot win elections so they resort to #terrorism
🤬📢As always, there is the disgusting hand of the #USA.
🤬📢 I hope one day you will see to pay for all the harm you have done to innocent people around the world.
🗣️📢Evo Morales @evoespueblo, is one of the greatest leaders of the 21st century.
😥I'm very sad to see unscrupulous, corrupt & greedy men destroy a GREAT LEADER.
🗣️📢Hasta Siempre COMANDANTE Evo Morales🥰

#EvoMorales' house is being pillaged right now👇🏼
There are now reports that the police in #Bolivia are trying to illegally detain elected #President Evo Morales, after a right-wing coup
@FreddyteleSUR has reported that the Attorney General's office has issued arrest warrants for all leaders of the electoral tribunal and members of the body.
Express solidarity😏?
Strongly condemn😏?
What bullshit is that😠?
You all know who is behind the scam🤨👉🏼🇺🇸
& nobody, do anything🤨?
🗣️📢It's time to fight for @evoespueblo (Evo Morales) & end this coup sponsored by the USA
Luis Fernando Camacho entered the Government Palace. Who is Camacho?
How coincidental your family ran out of gas distribution business when @evoespueblo nationalized hydrocarbons?
Racist coup, revenge and violent!
#Bolivia | Right-wing opposition protesters burn the whipala which is a symbol of resistance of the indigenous peoples of Abya Yala and the official second flag of Bolivia.
#EvoMorales Denounces 'Illegal' Arrest Warrant, Says His Home Was Attacked by 'Violent' Mob sptnkne.ws/AtFW #Bolivia
Evo's crimes:
Lifting 3 million out of poverty
Making Bolivia the region's fastest growing economy Nationalization
Expelling US army bases & restoring dignity
His biggest crime of all was being Indigenous & ending the previously-existing apartheid"

We Stand Against the Coup in Bolivia (statement from Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad)
The coup besieged the Venezuelan embassy, now the Mexican government denounces this. This is the time for barbarism and revenge. Not to denounce and condemn the coup against #EvoMorales is to be complicit.
#Urgent persecution of #EvoMorales and #coup leaders is demonstrated. We are facing a criminal coup in the name of God and democracy.
The fight goes on, is the message that leaves #EvoMorales. The coup has occurred, but the struggle continues against those who today celebrate the coup and direct persecution.
This is how the US puppets thanks to the men who fiercely defended their country’s sovereignty.
Why was #EvoMorales overthrown? He was nationalizing the highly profitable lithium industry & planning to deal directly on the international market rather than exporting the commodity at bargain prices to Western corporations
They issue an ABERRANT ILLEGAL apprehension order against Evo Morales. They want YOUR LIFE as a trophy. They need to KILL him because they fear him.
Thus they left their house, destroyed, w FASCIST pints on the walls.
He expelled the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and U.S. military base stating the decision "allowed #Bolivia to recover economic and political sovereignty."
The president of #Bolivia's Chamber of Deputies, leftist Víctor Borda, was just forced to resign after opposition fascists attacked his house and took his brother hostage
- GDP rose from $9 billion to $40 billion
- Extreme poverty dropped from 38% to 15%
- Unemployment declined from 8% to 4%
- The minimum wage increased from $60 to $310
- $74 billion in natural resources were nationalized
even chile is worried!
Chile Concerned Over Interruption of Electoral Process in Bolivia, Calls for Prompt, Peaceful Solution
🤬📢The shit of a minority of criminals, with the help of the corrupt #USAregime, applied a coup d'état to the #Bolivian government that had won the elections.
They longed for the confessional state & colonialism.
What's next....?
They are making their own "night of long knives" burning houses, hitting people, and thus forced #EvoMorales to resign!
🗣️📢This is #EvoMorales's house that the criminals who made the coup d'état with the help of the #USA are destroying.
🗣️📢Look well, with eyes to see.
🗣️📢Now you tell me. Is this a dictator's house🤨👇🏼?
#OEA plays its 2nd role in the coup d'etat in #Bolivia: it doesn't say that there was a coup, it speaks of "respecting the rule of law"when a govt was overthrown, the leaders are persecuted, state media were closed.#OAS supports the coup.
🤬📢All the symbology of hate. Xenophobia The racism. The extreme violence charged with aversion, repulsion, viciousness and anger against the original peoples.
-Yaquelin Jorge-
Bolivian leaders call for total paralysis of the country and give ultimatum to the coup representatives, #ElMundoConEvo.