with the @federalreserve *finally* getting on the central bank digital currency (CDBC) bandwagon, let's talk incentives and where this may lead (hint: ✨starts w/ b, ends w/ coin✨)
last week, Cambodia's central bank announced it will soon launch a “quasi” central bank digital currency on a private blockchain network
p.s. soon as in this year, not crypto soon™️ which is not soon at all and possibly never
- private network built by @Soramitsu_co
- 11 banks participating
- payment token is a basket of USD + Cambodian Riel
- accessible via digital wallet
- consumers must tie digital wallet to bank account to create / redeem tokens
but if we look at the facts, we start to understand how this initial step could fulfill a larger goal...
i would expect many "dollarized" economies will be excited about reducing USD usage...
with a token, the NCB will have a way to manage financial flows into and out of the country *and* influence exchange rates in real time 💱
india tried to do this by removing high value bills from circulation in 2017
you don't have to look far to see where this goes...
“china is moving quickly... Libra is going to be backed mostly by dollars and I believe that it will extend America’s financial leadership around the world, as well as our democratic values and oversight”
if every central bank, corporation, and cult of personality decides to issue its own digital currency, what will be the neutral choice for international trade?
does the medium (blockchain-based token) change the message?