me: i spend a lot of time and energy understanding my personal privacy and how to protect it
people on the internet:
“no one who is innocent needs privacy”
“what are you trying to hide?”
“are you a drug dealer?”…
no one delivers this message in a more cogent manner than @gladstein @HRF
his new blog’s 🔥 first 🔥 post is about privacy, namely the fact that we have no financial privacy and that’s exactly what governments want with their digital fiat coins…
highly encourage reading 👇🏾…
the majority of crypto pundits talk a big game, but will choose to sacrifice privacy for personal profit every time
and privacy focused businesses haven’t yet found effective ways to monetize
if we believe privacy is a fundamental right, what steps can we take to preserve it?
i’m *thrilled* privacy is a growing topic of conversation
but how do we move from talk to action?
would love to hear you ideas 💡
they make new privacy innovations on bitcoin accessible via their wallet - stuff like coinjoin, dandelion, and more goes from lab to streets on their platform 🔥