Trump now speaking....talking about how much bigger his crowds are than the Dems.
He looks good, full of energy, in a great mood.
Talking about SOTU now...
Says he has had a total Acquittal....mentions Mitt crowd boos.
Says he has the highest poll numbers he has ever had..thanks Nancy..😂😂
Mentions that it's now illegal to bus people up from MA.....
Says maybe GOP will cross over tomorrow and vote for weakest Dem candidate but he can't figure out which is weakest, they are all weak. 😂😂
Now introducing politicians.
🤔🤔 Graham and Rand Paul are there with him. 🤔🤔
Record unemployment for minorities
50 year low on unemployment.
Lowest unemployment.number for African American teenagers
Lowest poverty numbers for Blacks
Wages increasing.
Going after African American and minority voters big time with this speech.
Talks about wind mills again. He really doesn't like wind mills😂😂😂.
They kill birds we lower
Says fake news can't take a joke.
Phase one China trade deal
Now talking about immigration. Dems want open borders.
100+ miles have been built. Should be about 500 miles on near future.
😂😂 Two things never change...a wheel and a wall. 😂😂
Trump is going to read the 🐍 poem😏😏😏
Going to make some changes.
Washington Dems have never been more extreme. Wants to run your healthcare but can't even run a caucus in IA. It's been a week who won?
Together we will make......America great again ......
And that's a wrap. About a one hour speech. It's clear he is fine tuning his campaign stump speech. It was a good blend of old and new stuff.