Was it Mahatma Gandhi’s Quit India Movement Or the Royal Indian Navy Mutiny of 1946?
Here is the #Thread on the famous Royal Indian Navy(RIN) ‘mutiny’ which broke out on February 18, 1946

Thousands of disgruntled ratings joined committee
This unrest soon spread to shore establishments from Bombay to Karachi & Calcutta. It involved 78 ships, 20 shore establishments, & 20,000 sailors

-#veersavarkar urged Indians to join army at the outbreak of 2nd World War so that Indians could eventually turn on the British & throw them out (as we saw in navy mutiny)
-#subhashchandrabose & Indian National Army

This was the reason why British suddenly left India
In 2001, the uprising was commemorated in Colaba- a recognition which came half a century late

It’s time we pay our respect and homage to those brave hearts
Teach this great event of bravery to our children
Time to take a vow 🙏
@vivekagnihotri @NAN_DINI_ @AskAnshul @LostTemple7