Oh wait. He did.
Black people’s dignity.
We’ve gotta stop this white on white crime.
I can’t imagine what it feels like to have people come out of nowhere and attack you
“You heard what Pete Buttigieg said about your mama?”
Then they let ChuckTodd talk
Wait... did Bloomberg say his plan contains “a number of things?”
He must have “discovered” that when a federal judge ruled it unconstitutional.
Biden, Bernie and Bloomberg still advocated that position instead of listening to black people.
Jesse Jackson In 1988.
Pete should have asked her: Who is the president of Dumbville?
I haven’t seen white people go this hard since the Great Backstreet Boys vs 98 Degrees war of the 90s. And we all know who won that:
She know purple belongs to Amy. That’s probably why she thinks Pablo Picasso is the president of Mexico.
That’s literally the answer to everything
“Y’all want wind farms but Flint still doesn’t have clean drinking water.”
That’s exactly what I feel when Pete Buttigieg speaks
If he made it through tonight, he’s good.
She better run to the car now.
Amy Klobuchar: I’ve been doing this since 4th grade. I might not know the president of Mexico but I’ve been to Taco Bell.
Oh yeah... Fuck Pete Buttigeig
Come on Democrats, bend over and make it pop for a real billionaire
If you don’t know where you fit in between a revolution or the status quo, then why the fuck are you here.
You don’t know?
Well, that’s exactly what people say about me.
So, y’all know.
I’m tired, y’all.
My hands are burning from slapping Mike around all night. Holla at me.
I know Obama.
I mean I KNOW know him. Not like Bloomberg who wouldve stopped and frisked him. My time is almost up but One last thing...
Bernie’s racist.
Good night
Tell these muhfuckas to catch up.
Also... Fuck Pete Buttigieg.
And Mike Bloomberg.
I have more, but I’m sure my supporters will let y’all know