Tamil Leaders: An Introspection
Is Politics My Last Resort?
Do I have any other Real Skill To
take care of My family?
Cambridge Sauna is known for its good discussions
Scientists from various fields visit regularly
Last evening there was a Discussion
of course Selfishness
But the Awareness
of being part of a
Larger System
Reflects as 'Social Responsibility'
Self-reliant skills may form
The basis for this Awareness
Neuron, Nephron, Pulsating cardiac cells
Each has
unique 'Skills'
They have Their own skill other than
Politics to support their Dependents, Then
Do they indulge in Enormous Corruption.?
It's an involved philosophical Question...
Coming Election when they approach people
This question will be asked
Especially by Tamil Youths ..!
Better face it now.
Your Skill could be Anything, related to profession or pastime activities, like
If I Quit Politics right now
Do I have any unique skill to
Start my life from scratch.
Is my Politics to loot public money or
I really enjoy serving my People?
But this question will remain a
lingering thought in every Tamil Mind.
Already & Aspiring Leaders
@CMOTamilNadu ji
@mkstalin ji
@draramadoss ji
@SeemanOfficial ji
@thirumaofficial ji
@ikamalhaasan ji
@rajinikanth ji
@DrKrishnasamy ji