He can't.
And he doesn't want the world to know he is powerless over them.
More importantly, he is powerless without them.
In 2016 they bullied Hillary supporters out of public spaces and created the illusion that all the "energy and enthusiasm" was behind Bernie.
No one wants to challenge Bernie and incur their wrath.
This includes journalists and even other Democrats.
That's why Bernie STILL hasn't been vetted.
She may be a "star" but without Bernie's minions propping her up, she's nothing.
She's going to have a tough reelect as it is. If they turn on her, she's over.
And she's knows it. Don't expect her to step out of line again.
He says maybe it's Russia.
I thought Russia was a hoax, Bernie? Which is it?
We know it isn't Russia. They support him with AI, but that's easy to spot.
The personal vendettas against people like me? That's all in-house.
"Someone was mean to me online and now I don't want poor people to have healthcare"
Broductio ad absurdum aside, it isn't just "being mean" and it isn't just online.
They've gotten dozens of people fired. Not for doing anything wrong but because their employer can't deal with the onslaught of negative attention.
Bernie's campaign puts out the call from their official campaign blue checkmark accounts.
There's no way for him to pretend it's rogue actors or that he doesn't approve. He has the worst offenders on payroll.
That's why he hired them.
They mentioned my name too, but doing this to a black woman in the era of "swatting" is deadly serious.
I didn't believe him at first. They post my home address constantly trying to "prove" I don't vote, so anyone could describe my street, but he has enough detail that I believe him now.
And I do vote, I'm just not always living in DC.
Yes, I'm still here but many people are not.
I'm in a unique position. I don't have kids, or a job I can be fired from.
But we shouldn't have to get off Twitter just bc we don't support their cult leader.
He has no path to victory and they know it.
But desperation has only made them worse.
The Biden campaign caught this guy last night.
Misusing the voter file is a felony.
They let professional Bros carry out their deplorable campaign tactics so they don't get their hands dirty.
Is Bernie okay with this? Saying Biden's stutter is evidence of dementia? He must be.
That is NOT the same thing. Brie Brie and Nina are public figures. Taking slings and arrows is part of the job.
Bernie Bros are singular in how they seek out, attack and try to destroy private citizens.
Criticizing Bernie is not the same thing.
Calling out Sirota is not the same thing.
Defending ourselves is not the same thing.
But journalists don't want the Bros to turn on them.
They may have taken their marching orders from Putin, but they carried out their mission with Bernie's blessing.
He can't win without them and he knows it.
Bernie knows his ability to weaponize his followers is the true, and only, source of his power.
He needs them now more than ever.
Especially since they've demonstrated time and again that they don't actually vote.
The shouting is going to get worse before it gets better.
The death throes of Bernie's "movement" will be brutal.
A dying mule kicks the hardest.
But it's over, and everybody knows it.
And not a moment too soon.
Please amplify this thread.
Bernie has to own the behavior of his Bros. He can't have it both ways.
(still needs some adapting but I wanted to get it up this afternoon)