I called, phone tree sent me to web site, but to a page about upgrading your phone. I already did that. I have my new phone.
I called again. "Before we transfer you we need more info" I chose tech support, it said to download an app
I'll live tweet this process.
Calling Sprint customer care for the 3rd time.
I am blocked by the official Twitter account of my own phone company.
Presumably because of my last thread complaining about my bad customer service experience.
This is unreal.

"It looks like you called before and we advised you to turn your phone off and back on. Did this solve your problem?"
oh, ffs "NO!"
But I'm glad this happened or I would never have known I was blocked by my own phone company @Sprint
This isn't over, but it's over for tonight.
I sent a few text messages last night and went to bed. When I woke up, my messages had not gone through.
I tried to call @Sprint. The phone isn't connected to the network so I can't even called customer service.
Yes, I said, I know.
After some back and forth, she said go to settings told me what option to click. I said that option isn't available.
She asked if I had access to wifi. I said yes, it was connected before should I reconnect? She said no.
Then I got disconnected from the call.
Calling @Sprint for the *checks notes* sixth time.
Also they keep asking where I got the phone. FROM YOU!
So I would have to call again
She is walking me through how to put my info back on the phone that I was just told to factory reset by a different person.
She promises to hold for the 10 minutes while the info is transferred.
And until that SIM card arrives I WILL NOT HAVE A WORKING PHONE.
Even the @Sprint customer service rep is horrified
I managed not to throw the phone across the room. I did not manage to keep from screaming in frustration.
Now he's explaining that this new "E-SIM" technology is flawed and it's not @Sprint's fault, everyone uses it.
Thanks 🙄