1. Governments cant minimise both deaths from COVID-19 and economic impact of viral spread
2. Spread depends on R0 (number of secondary infections by one primary case)
R0>1 spreads
COVID-19 has R0=2.5
Influenza has R0=1.5
For the 2009 influenza A H1N1 pandemic, it was around
a day to infectiousness and a few days of peak
infectiousness to others
For COVID-19, 4.5–7.5 days to infectiousness, similar to SARS
Best estimates suggest a CFR for COVID-19 of about 0.3–1% which is higher than the 0.1% CFR for a moderate influenza A season
Estimates suggest considerable presymptomatic infectiousness. Danger is thus spread from asymptomatic people
In contrast, Influenza A has presymptomatic infectiousness of 1–2 days, SARS little or none
mild or no symptoms, 14% severe disease, 6% critically ill
This implies that symptom-based control is unlikely to be sufficient
period for COVID-19. The infectious period is typically
short for influenza A, but it seems long for COVID-19,
perhaps lasting for 10 days or more after the incubation
influenza A strain, and that the COVID-19 epidemic could be longer
than seasonal influenza A. This has relevance for the potential economic impact
available soon. Will probably take 12-18 months