It's a great message. By delaying the epidemic, and spreading it out over time, we decrease the degree to which health services are overloaded. Excellent. #FlattenTheCurve
However, what is that "healthcare system capacity"?

Let's estimate that 50% of all cases occur during a 3-month peak period.
Let's say the typical serious case needs a hospital bed for 2 weeks.
65% of population * 50% of cases during peak * 20% severe * (2 weeks) / (3 month peak) = 1% of the population
That's a rough need of 1 additional hospital bed for every 100 citizens.
And of course, at any given time, most of those beds are already occupied.
However, if we can't do more to change the course of this outbreak, then even with delay, we could still need to deploy a huge emergency expansion of hospital resources by perhaps 2-5 times current capacity. 😰
The epidemic preparations aren't just about flattening the curve, but they should also include using that time to increase healthcare capacity.