The UN #HumanRightsCouncil’s recently concluded its 43rd Session (truncated due to #coronavirus), and appointed 19 new Special Procedures mandate holders. Below I highlight a few new thematic and country mandate holders. 👇🏽
Tomoya Obokata (#Japan) is appointed Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of #slavery. He is a Prof of International Law and Human Rights at @LawatKeele, and previously worked with @iom, @UNODC, and the UK Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights. He succeeds @ubhoola62.
Mama Fatima Singhateh (#Gambia) is appointed Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children, @MamaFatimaS is a lawyer, judge and a former Attorney General and Minister of Justice of the Gambia. @Gambia_MOJ
José Francisco Calí Tzay (#Guatemala) is appointed Special Rapporteur on the rights of #indigenous peoples. He is currently Ambassador of Guatemala in Germany and former Chair of UN #CERD, and previously served as Director for human rights at @MinexGt.
Congratulations to all new UN Human Rights Special Procedures mandate holders.
On a personal note, I am pleased to have been considered for Special Rapporteur for #humanrights in #Myanmar, and remain deeply concerned about the situation there. I'd like to congratulate @YangheeLeeSKKU for her work and wish @TomHAndrews well.
We @ICRC surveyed more than 16,000 millennials in 16 countries and territories about their views on #conflict, #warfare and the values underpinning international humanitarian law. There are both encouraging and worrying findings- see thread. #IHL#IntLaw…
47% believe it's more likely than not that there will be a third World War in their lifetime. #WWIII
I am excited to arrive in #Melbourne to take part in the first-ever Asian-Australian Leadership Summit, which aims to highlight and address the under-representation of Asian-Australians in political, business, government and civil society leadership. #AsianAusLeadership