Egyptian Archaeology and the study of ancient Nubia *IS* Egyptology.
Egyptology is more than just texts and temples and tombs.
A thread…
Note, there are MANY more, but I will limit myself to a core group.

@jubudka @lemossrennan @BBinCairo and some not on Twitter including Kate Spence, Laurel Bestock and many many many more. Their work is essential in understanding how Egypt and Nubia co-existed.
Those texts wouldn’t be in museums if archaeologists didn’t get them, and they would mean nothing if an archaeologist didn’t record where they came from.
- Archaeology and Egyptology go hand in hand.
- Egypt and Nubia are part of the same world.
- Material culture is just as valid as texts for understanding ancient societies.
And can we all finally please agree that #WeAreEgyptology