My statement with @GreensteinCBPP, @neeratanden & @FeliciaWongRI, via @Medium
A thread. 1/n
The Great Recession was deep and its impact was harsh, but Americans who remained employed continued to spend money at fairly normal levels. 2/
States and localities will face budget shortfalls as shrinking economic activity erodes tax revenues and prompts them to consider budget cuts. 3/
The impending economic downturn will likely come faster than in 2008 and could be deeper unless the federal government acts swiftly and decisively to cushion the blow. 4/
Policymakers of both parties should set aside those concerns and not let them impede the vigorous response that we need. 5/
1. Swift & bold action that mitigates the severity of the coming recession will pay off over the long run.
Every dollar spent quickly now reduces the severity of the coming economic crisis, putting us on the road to recovery that much sooner 6/
Policymakers must craft fiscal policy responses that are bold and will remain in place until economic conditions improve and trigger an end to those measures. 7/
They are in effect willing to pay the federal government to borrow money and impose little or no fiscal cost. 8/
Deficits and debt pose no comparable risk. Policymakers should set aside their concerns about red ink and deliver the response the crisis demands.