A tribute to the Small Shops of #Pisa – the bedrock of local #resilience and heroes for keeping us fed through this dreadful crisis. [1/x]
Why the big contrast with the horrendous scenes reported by friends in the US, UK, and elsewhere? [2/x]
1. Italy produces a lot of food.
2. Italians have strong links to local farming.
3. Many people can cook, preserve and forage for food.
4. Lots of Small Shops [3/x]
Families often have an orto, or a few vines or olive trees, that have been passed down the generations. [5/x]
Our neighbours press assorted greenery into our hands that they’ve picked from the fields and hedgerows. [6/x]
(Though it being Spring, our stock from last summer is beginning to run out).
Watch the ritual on the ever-wonderful @pastagrannies [7/x]
But you still have to get the food from field to plate.
That’s where Small Shops come into play. [8/x]
Their shallow draft allowed them to get to beaches inaccessible to the Royal Navy. maritime-executive.com/blog/the-littl… [9/x]

Here’s a virtual tour of six shops where we’re regulars – out of maybe 40 or 50 (!!!) within a 10-minute walk of our house. [10/x]
Given his age, he’s taking a big risk for us by keeping working through the epidemic. [12/x]
I can’t find a picture, so here’s the nextdoor cheesemaker – strapline “a dairy in the city”. I am addicted to their scamorza. friscu.com/en/ [16/x]

But it has taken this pandemic for me to appreciate the hidden subsidy they provide for local #resilience. [18/x]
2. Hedging – you can buy bread in the grocer, wine from the veg stall, cheese and meat in the bakery. Any ONE of these shops could sustain a healthy and balanced diet. [19/x]
4. Most of all, trust. Why panic buy if a shopkeeper you know by name assures you s/he is experiencing no interruptions in supply? [20/x]
They are part of the reason why Italy is mocked for its low productivity. [21/x]
And act to keep its fleet of Small Shops alive. [23/x]
And I hope you'll pump money into your local shops both during and after lockdown. [24/24]