• 450,000+ cases, 20,000+ deaths globally
• 65,000+ cases in US, 1,000+ deaths
• 3.28 million Americans file for unemployment
• Senate passes massive stimulus package
"It's just the beginning of it, and certainly not the end."

"Not only were people catching beads during Mardi Gras, they were catching the coronavirus."

"I call him late at night. I call him in the middle of the night ... he's been really a friend to me personally and the state of New York."
"This is the time for governmental leaders to stop making excuses and just do your job...the places in this nation that have the most intense problems --address the places that need the help."
"Maybe you assumed that it couldn’t happen to you, just like I did," the church pastor wrote in a social media post. nbcnews.to/2vPUTwg