@clmarohn in @StrongTowns, pg. 139.
Here is Calgary's neighbourhoods' productivity (based on 2020 assessed value/km2), sorted alphabetically.

Allow the next incremental step as-of-right.
Should it only be adding a suite or becoming a duplex?
Should it be more, like a three- or four-plex?
We can debate the size of the next step, but it needs to be possible.
1. Staying at home is a great time to make spreadsheets.
2. Provincial law forbids the City from going into debt to pay for operations. We're going to need to talk about how we, as a city, adapt.
3. When will be the right time?
When the Stranger says: “What is the meaning of this city?
Do you huddle close together because you love each other?”
What will you answer? “We all dwell together
To make money from each other”? or “This is a community”?
If we don't love Calgary (and our neighbourhoods) enough to avoid insolvency, it will not endure. Then Calgary (and its neighbourhoods) will not be great.