I'll prove there is,
Start here:
The 'Ndrangheta (Italian Mafia) have been using a vast cave network for hundreds of yrs

(Total video is 8 minutes long, feel free to watch. It’s extremely interesting)
Here is the D.O.D.s video of the MOAB destroying the ISIS base in Afghanistan.
Wonder why there is no actual base in the picture?
That’s because the base was underground in an extensive cave network
Don’t know if people use them for nefarious reasons, but they exist
149 miles of ‘natural caverns’ in New Mexico
This is a link to a .gov site.
(Can’t get anymore legit than that)

We are shown the large helicopter landing pad,
But I wonder if this ranch sits above any type of tunnel?

Where did the term “Shanghai’d” come from?
According to these news anchors, Human trafficking is a not to be taken Seriously. It’s a joke. Haha
Oregon is one of the States that got caught selling body parts in the Planned Parenthood debacle
Oregon is also where the Feds raided the Planned Parenthood a few years back

Again, I can understand why people brush this type of stuff off. It’s presented as a harmless curiousity
Here's a list of the family friendly caves.
It's probably not that far fetched to consider there are more caves in the area used for nefarious purposes
When the article came out, I felt like it was hinting at something. I have no proof of it though so take it as you will

But there’s an awful lot of smoke in the area
This is a rabbit hole of it's own and I don't want to get sidetracked, but here is a well compiled list of old news articles.


Here are 2 links:
They are both short articles you should read, there are some interesting pieces of information in both.


Here are the 'big Science words' that give what I am saying a hint of credibility :)


one of the most dangerous cities in the world, also home to the Juarez Cartel

What I'm wondering is.........
Why is a Brooklyn based U.S. Attorney commenting on this?

I often forget that there are rich people in the world outside of the United States.
I also wonder if any of the story is real?
(Article published 2/28/2020)

I think it's important. I also think there may be some nefarious reasons that Hollywood decided to get ahead of this story.

I know I'm beyond the whole Mormon arc to this thread
But I just remembered about this story.
Why did it hit the news cycle a few months ago?
There is way more here than we are being told.
Accidental murder
The Mexican Cartels mistook the group as a rival gang and murdered 9 members.
When did the Mexican Cartels start looking like this?👇

This 'abandoned' tunnel system is well known and documented
FDR used to use these secret tunnels to hide his polio.

Please research into this more if you are going to share it with others

What does the guy state at the beginning of this video?
about to hit the denouement but I want to make it worth your while. I know what it is but I feel like I should take some time to figure out how best to show it to you all
Please continue to send those links. I love all the help