Important info on world wide criminal network.
It's all connected and if the information reaches enough ppl, will expose and ultimately take down the 'Renegade'
start by reading this👇…

Please watch.
It explains how Venezuela is the bridge that connects terrorism and trafficking into the Americas
Whole video here👇
Part 1
It’s all connected
Part 2:
Venezuela is who supplies the Mexican Cartels.
Venezuela has direct connections to the criminal Mafia empire in Italy, as well as the Vatican
Hezbollah is an internationally recognized terrorist organization that is the military-Proxy of the Iranian regime.
Part 4:
But Ppl are aware of the information by itself.
I want to make sure people are connecting the dots and can see how it’s 1 large criminal organization we are fighting against
Part 5:
What I'm curious about it the timing of the indictment.
Why now? Is there more going on then we are being told?
71% of Venezuela identify as Catholic…
He's from South America.

There are a lot of things that have been kept secret from us over the years……

(Before all the anti-🇮🇱 crowd decides to jump down my throat...... I get it....... The world is a complicated place. One thing at a time)
Does the NWO worship Satan?
Would power hungry Satanists (atheists) infiltrate religions and use peoples’s faith for their own benefit?
They infiltrate.
They are ruthless and monolithic in their quest for power.
I have a hypothesis, I would like to explain it to you.
I think this fight is spiritual in nature and is cyclical throughout history.
We've been here before
It's a prophetic
We're going thru that prophecy right now.
We've been through it before
Again, it's cyclical
I'm just trying to give a non-religious look into why the bible is an important warning

We have been here before (historically). As a civilization starts to unravel you will see (these signs).............
The Fall of the Roman Republic:
It is a well documented fact that Julius Caeser's generation was extremely 'progressive.'
Caeser himself was known to 'wear his toga loose'……

Weimar Germany
You can see it in the artwork that was popular at the time…

For the Psychopath doesnt have normal emotions, there is only the never ending quest for power
Part 1
A little over 1% of the of the population is diagnosed as a Psychpath. Those are just the ones we know of
If you were a King, the lack of empathy is could be extremely useful.
Especially when making life or death decisions for your citizens.………

I think we're witnessing an event that is bigger than any of us. There is a collective awakening going on that makes me believe a better world is just around the corner and I will do what I can to get help get us all there.