Link to Letter of Authorization (not letter of approval):…
FDA, agency w/in HHS, is granting authorization 2 another dept w/in HHS

1- increased availability of a drug that is in short supply d/t hype
2- Trump probably pressured his new FDA commissioner to "do something!!", so this gives him cover
cc'ing folks savvier than I re FDA regulatory issues: @DrPeterLurie @SandyPondGCP @ABatemanHouse @RxRegA @cmrherder @ZacharyBrennan @CarolineYLChen @DavidHilzenrath @drJoshS @ScottGottliebMD @akesselheim
The explanation he gives seems (IMHO) consistent with the above.
As an aside, his affect seems anxious, perhaps bc Trump is looming behind him. ("Satisfied, boss?😨")