What a beautiful story of Christ! It is almost impossible to imagine the Gospel of John without it.
And yet, there are many Christians who want
I repeat: there are many Christians who want it removed from John’s Gospel!
Now why, pray tell, do they want it taken out of the Bible?
The following note in the ESV bible offers a clue:
That’s right. The Oldest copies of the Gospel of John that we have do NOT have the story of the woman caught in adultery, which is also called the Pericope Adulterae. Indeed, the earliest copy we have of the Gospel of
Seems like a pretty strong case, doesn’t it?
It would have to be, considering that it’s based on a double standard, and a refusal to accept the early church father’s testimony about it.
“…certain persons of little faith, or rather enemies of the true faith, fearing I suppose, lest their wives should be given impunity in sinning, removed from their manuscripts the
Augustine, De Adulterinis Conjugiis, 2:6–7.
Thus, people were removing it from the scriptures.
Is it any wonder, then, that none of the early copies (before the
“So what?” the enemies of the Pericope Adulterae will say,
Really want to go down that road?
Well, then you might as well cut out sections from the Pentateuch as well…
But did he write the entire Torah?
Genesis 12:6 is our first clue:
At that time…the Canaanites were in the land.
Now, if Moses wrote this, then there is a problem.
“These are the kings who reigned in the land of Edom, before any king reigned over the Israelites.”
Moses didn’t write that.
How do I know?
Now, to be fair, Abimelech, son of the Israelite Judge Gideon, was made king of Shechem, and ruled Israel for 3 years (Judges 8:30-9:22).
Oh, he also lived long after Moses and Joshua.
It’s safe to say that Moses didn’t write Genesis 36:31.
It’s also safe to say that he didn’t write Deuteronomy 34, which records his death.
Indeed, the passage seems even less like a prophecy in verse 10:
“And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the
Indeed, in Dt 33:1, right before he gives his final blessing on Israel, it states:
“This is the blessing that Moses the man of God pronounced on the Israelites before his death.”
This was obviously not written by Moses.
Just like the story of the woman caught in adultery was put into the Gospel of John a few centuries after it was written…
Why the #doublestandard??
And yet, the scholars who dismiss John 7:53-8:11…don’t dismiss Genesis 12:6, 36:31, or Deuteronomy 34.
I once had a short twitter debate with a Biblical scholar (whose name I won’t mention) over this subject. When I brought the
Now, some will cry foul, saying that there was controversy over the passage even during the ancient world.
Well...guess what?
Come on, guess what?
Folks, Textual criticism is an interesting field of study. To see what was originally in a historical document and then dismissing what’s not can be comparable to a
“Nelson’s Dictionary of Christianity” by George Thomas Kurian (Editor), 128-29
“Encountering the Old Testament” by Bill T. Arnold and Bryan E. Beyer, 168-169
“The Apologetics Study Bible (Holman CSB), 1587
“Archeological Study Bible (NIV)”, 15